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Birthday Parties


  • This service is available to members of the academy and non-members.

  • For children turning 4 years old and up.

  • There are 2 fee plans to choose from.1. Basic Plan (#1) $150 for up to 15 children attending. 45 minutes Taekwondo demonstration and game. 2. Special Plan (#2) $250 for up to 25 children attending and each participant gets one month of free lessons(regular/group classes only); 45 minutes of Taekwondo demonstrations and active group practice; game also included.

  • Current Pang's TKD students are not eligible for free lessons.

  • If you choose Plan #2, we will give information about classes and a gift certificate for free lessons the day of the party.

  • Final payment is due the day of the party.

  • Gratuities should be calculated at 15% of the total fee.

  • There is a $25 service charge for all returned checks.

  • A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to hold a date and time.

  • All parties are 1 1/2 hours long.

  • Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the expected date.

  • A contract must be signed at the time the deposit is made.

  • If your party runs overtime, you will be charged $10 for each 15 minutes of overtime.

  • If there are more than 15 participants, a $5 charge will be applied for each additional participant including siblings.

  • You are responsible for any children picked up late after your party.

  • When parents RSVP you need to remind them to dress their child for Taekwondo activities.(Sweat pants & t-shirt) no dresses, shorts, or socks/shoes are allowed during training sessions. Shoes are not allowed inside the training hall (this includes family, visitors, students, etc).

  • The birthday boy or girl will receive a gift from Pang's TKD.

  • Parents / Guardians provide and serve the cake and all refreshments; any available staff members will assist with serving if needed. Please keep refreshments simple.

  • Parents / Guardians must also provide their own paper products. The academy will provide paper products for an additional charge of $25 (plates, cups, napkins, forks, spoons).

  • Balloons are welcome.

  • Pang's TKD will provide clean-up, tables, & table covers (unless parents wish to use their own, specific design).

  • A music system is available. Parents must provide the tapes or cd's.

  • A professional karaoke system is available (check for details).

  • Martial Arts equipment / supplies are available.

  • Pang's TKD members will receive a gift certificate for a 10% discount on any equipment / supplies on the day of their birthday party.

  • All requested party dates, times, & number of participants must be confirmed by the Academy before you make final arrangements.

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3316 Union Road 

Gastonia, North Carolina 28056

980-888-0178 / 704-689-0997 /

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SATURDAY: 9:00am-5:00pm


Please check the academy for Holiday & Summer/Winter break schedules.


Learn From The Best - Easily, Quickly, & Safely~
Serving Gaston County Since 1992
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Birthday Parties


© 1992 Pang's U.S. Taekwondo Academy / All Rights Reserved

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