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Birthday Parties

This service is available to members of the academy and non-members.
For children turning 4 years old and up.
There are 2 fee plans to choose from.1. Basic Plan (#1) $150 for up to 15 children attending. 45 minutes Taekwondo demonstration and game. 2. Special Plan (#2) $250 for up to 25 children attending and each participant gets one month of free lessons(regular/group classes only); 45 minutes of Taekwondo demonstrations and active group practice; game also included.
Current Pang's TKD students are not eligible for free lessons.
If you choose Plan #2, we will give information about classes and a gift certificate for free lessons the day of the party.
Final payment is due the day of the party.
Gratuities should be calculated at 15% of the total fee.
There is a $25 service charge for all returned checks.
A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to hold a date and time.
All parties are 1 1/2 hours long.
Reservations must be made at least 2 weeks prior to the expected date.
A contract must be signed at the time the deposit is made.
If your party runs overtime, you will be charged $10 for each 15 minutes of overtime.
If there are more than 15 participants, a $5 charge will be applied for each additional participant including siblings.
You are responsible for any children picked up late after your party.
When parents RSVP you need to remind them to dress their child for Taekwondo activities.(Sweat pants & t-shirt) no dresses, shorts, or socks/shoes are allowed during training sessions. Shoes are not allowed inside the training hall (this includes family, visitors, students, etc).
The birthday boy or girl will receive a gift from Pang's TKD.
Parents / Guardians provide and serve the cake and all refreshments; any available staff members will assist with serving if needed. Please keep refreshments simple.
Parents / Guardians must also provide their own paper products. The academy will provide paper products for an additional charge of $25 (plates, cups, napkins, forks, spoons).
Balloons are welcome.
Pang's TKD will provide clean-up, tables, & table covers (unless parents wish to use their own, specific design).
A music system is available. Parents must provide the tapes or cd's.
A professional karaoke system is available (check for details).
Martial Arts equipment / supplies are available.
Pang's TKD members will receive a gift certificate for a 10% discount on any equipment / supplies on the day of their birthday party.
All requested party dates, times, & number of participants must be confirmed by the Academy before you make final arrangements.
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